Why join Shawston?
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Why Shawston?
Now more than ever our industry is playing an essential role in keeping the economy moving. Join a market leading company and watch your business grow from strength to strength as a result of your hard work and commitment.
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Begin, develop, and complete your career with Shawston. We will offer you support, growth, development, share ownership and a seat at the family table and in return we expect loyalty, hard work, commitment and fun.
Meet Our People
Read about our co-owners
Meet Our People
At Shawston it’s all about the family. We are a 170 strong family unit; likeminded individuals aiming to drive the business forward, working hard and enjoying the ride. Each of our co-owners plays a vital part in the Shawston cog that makes the business the success it is today.
What is Employee Ownership?
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Employee Ownership
Shawston are unique in that we’re co-owned and it’s our intention to put more and more equity into the hands of our employees. Become an influencer, a decision maker, a co-owner and watch your business grow and develop from your front row seat.