“I like to listen. I have learnt a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.” Ernest Hemingway. Now more than ever we have plenty of time to listen. We can listen to learn, listen to be entertained and listen to help and support others, these are just a few ways listening can be beneficial. But the key is choosing to listen in the first place. We have chosen to produce our first ever #Shawston podcast – The Shawcast. Why? You may ask.
Well, we want to give you a “behind the scenes” look at Shawston and how we operate and talk to you directly about what makes us different from the rest. The Shawcast series includes 5 parts covering a wide range of key industry topics, including our heritage and how your support continues to help us contribute to something bigger than just commercial success.
We hope you choose to listen.
Part 1 of The Shawcast features Rob Davenport, CEO talking about the rebirth of #Shawston and our evolution from humble origins to the employee owned company it is today. By now you know we like to keep things simple, so you can listen to the podcast anywhere, in the car, at the gym, at home, on public transport, even in the bath!
View Part 1 of The Shawcast here.